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Wake Up Call

For the past 3 weeks I have beat my head against the wall for an article to land on this insane asylum of a website,I have tried nearly every approach, unfortunately none of them worked because they all involved drinking.I have been perplexed, and then I thought maybe the topic should be us.By "us" I mean people in general.We are all a certain way for a reason, whether it be genetics, parenting , environment, crazy, etc... Some misguided and others mislead, both driven towards success in life. History shows us that the beliefs of 1 can dictate the actions of millions. Its happening today right here in the US, the so-called "land of tolerance." We have been told to watch our neighbors and turn in our fellow americans if we suspected they were "terrorists."

Terrorist by definition:
1. An agent or partizan of the revolutionary tribunal during the Reign of Terror in France.
2. Anyone who governs or seeks to govern by terrorism; an advocate of terrorism.

Terrorism by definition:
A state of being terrified; a state impressing terror; the act of one who terrorizes; a system of government by terror; the practice of exercising intimidation to coerce people toward a certain course.

Interesting when you actually see the definition, because by definition, every government in the world, including the US has been some form of terrorist government at one time or another. The US has expanded since its conception by ways of terrorism, but we've been bullshitted into calling it "Manifest Destiny." Rome's creed was "make the world Rome." Hitler wrote about terrorism in Mein Kampf, saying the aryan would need room to grow calling it "living space." Just a few examples of friendlier ways of saying "terrorism." Thousands of governments have had (and still do) ways to call "terrorism" something less abrasive.

The US government has declared "war on terrorism," which is fine if they can somehow come up with a way to defeat something that has been happening since the beginning of man itself and encompasses a wide spectrum of offenses. Its more of an ideal or the result of a political movement's actions against a form of reigning government.In extreme cases it could be considered a means to an end.

Now I am quite sure that some people will be reading this and saying to themselves "this guy is defending these assholes." NO I AM NOT!I am just trying to make the point that "terrorism" and "terrorists" have been around for centuries and will be here long after you and I are gone. Right now we are a nation, for the majority I believe, is scared and that's a dangerous state for people to be in. They become willing to attack and accuse quickly. Friends and those who disagree with the majority because they have a free thought become enemies. This is where we have to be careful as a nation of freedom not to jeopardize your freedom and my freedom due to fear. We need as people not to allow our media, television, and the corrupt factions of the government turn us into "terrorists" against each other.

el Commandante
May 23rd, 2005